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Shivabalayogi SeattleObstacles in Tapas


“There is no failure in tapas.  If one does not stick to the path of tapas and if one fails to obey the guru and takes to other paths then one fails.  After some time the guru will call that person who has deviated from the path of tapas and put the person back on the same path.”

“All the pain and suffering that one has to undergo is a test.  God tests.  If one passes these tests then one can reach God.”

“The person who is doing the tapas, when his body is suffering from anything, he feels that it is a test from God.  He doesn’t take it as a difficulty, so he proceeds forward.  If you think of it as ill-health, either you will return home from the tapas or you will go into mahasamadhi.  You cannot do tapas.”

“For those doing tapas, there is no relationship between tapas and the suffering of the body.  He considers the suffering of the body as a test for him.  Those who take it as an illness, and those who are concerned about it, they will not be able to finish or continue the tapas.”

"Swamiji has given his body as food to all the beings around him.  Now he has come to serve you."

"To be able to do all this he is doing now, Tapaswiji Maharaj has helped him a lot.  Tapaswiji Maharaj helped him and also his Guru [Shiva] helped him.  His mother [Parvatamma Allaka] also used to take good care of him.  [Garaga Narasimha Murthy] used to serve him a lot.  That's the reason his is now able to serve you."

"Had the ants, rodents and fishes eaten his body away, Swamiji wouldn't be able to serve you now.  He had become very lean at that time. Swamiji himself was not interested in doing the penance.  God had made him sit by force.  So He had him put through all sorts of tests.  He passed all those tests and now he is serving you.  So whether Swamiji has his body now or not, he can still serve you."

More about Shivabalayogi's Tapas.


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Divine Play:   Shivabalayogi’s life and blessings, 290 pages and over a hundred photos.  Generally available in bookstores and online.

Swamiji’s Treasure:  The most comprehensive collection of biography, experiences, conversations & photographs of Shivabalayogi.

Tapas Shakti:  Published at Swamiji’s request in India, January of 1992.  Contains his biography, conversations & experiences.